**Michelle Obama’s Red Rice Recipe**

February 22, 2024

Michelle Obama has graciously shared her family’s treasured red rice recipe, deeply rooted in her South Carolina heritage. She fondly reminisces about the profound influence of her upbringing in that humble kitchen, where discussions on integrity, compassion, and humor shaped her character. The essence of fairness, honesty, and empathy was instilled through heartfelt conversations, anecdotes, and observing her father manage the household finances at the very table where these enduring stories unfolded.


  • 1 cup of long grain white rice
  • 1 chopped white onion
  • 1 ½ cup of tomato juice
  • 1 teaspoon of kosher salt
  • 1 teaspoon of pepper
  • 1 dash of Tabasco
  • 1 cup of crumbled bacon
  • ¼ tablespoon of bacon drippings
  • 500 gm of chopped shrimp
  • 500 gm of sausage roll


Begin by crisping the bacon until it reaches a delightful crunch, then set it aside while preserving the flavorful drippings.

Prepare the shrimp separately, opting for either steaming or sautéing methods, and set them aside for later use.

Next, crumble and cook the sausage until golden brown, ensuring to drain excess grease before setting it aside.

In the same pan, sauté the chopped onion in the reserved bacon drippings until it achieves a golden hue, and then set it aside.

In a sizable saucepan, follow the instructions on the rice package, combining the uncooked rice with tomato juice, salt, pepper, and a hint of Tabasco.

Once the rice is perfectly cooked, incorporate the cooked shrimp, crumbled bacon, and sausage into the mixture.

Thoroughly blend all the ingredients together, allowing the flavors to meld harmoniously, and savor the delightful outcome of your culinary creation!

(Source: Audible Original podcast ‘Your Mama’s Kitchen.’)

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